Sound Pet

Game Design + UX + VUI

Sound Pet is a voice-controlled caretaking game with creatures found inside the Google Assistant who need love to grow and evolve. They start as a baby when you first attract one. They’re alive and unpredictable when you check in on them. By taking good care of the Sound Pet, it will slowly grow bigger, and will be able to go out and explore the world, allowing for more customizations in appearance and skill. I created the concept of this game, working along side a team of writers, artists, animators, sound designers, and engineers. My role was to lead the game design, as well provide creative direction for the game.

Ok Google, play Sound Pet.

Sound Pet is a voice-controlled caretaking game with creatures found inside the Google Assistant who need love to grow and evolve. They start as a baby when you first attract one. They’re alive and unpredictable when you check in on them. By taking good care of the Sound Pet, it will slowly grow bigger, and will be able to go out and explore the world, allowing for more customizations in appearance and skill.

I created the concept of this game, working along side a team of writers, artists, animators, sound designers, and engineers. My role was to lead the game design, as well provide creative direction for the game.